Bundled Guild Proposal

Thanks for your comment. From the perspective of Legal Guild, we have a few committed attorneys (I’m one of them) and so don’t really need full time work or more financial resources. We have clear goals and, as you said, an understanding that all legal elements of Parcel 0 and Parcel 1 must run throgh Legal. I like your idea of having all incubation projects receive a green light from Legal before obtaining funding. Good call.

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Thanks Denver. To your second point, an additional $300K has been allocated for the Mission Guild to provide it to any Guild that requires additional funding, particularly the dev guild for bounties.

To your first point regarding opaqueness of the facilitator appointments, while I agree, the fact is if we hold open elections for all 11 guilds, with platforms and proposals and campaigns and debates, we are looking at months of talk and zero development. While it may be somewhat simplistic to assign roles to the people who have already spent many hours volunteering on the project, at the very least those people have shown dedication and are less likely to be doing it only for the money, or else they wouldn’t have done all that work in the first place. Also, a certain level of credibility as to the quality of their work has been mutually established over the past three months or so.


I agree with the reasoning David give for Denver’s first point and believe most people from most local communities will support this too. Most people I interact with want our DAO to do the trial and error now, bringing operations to life even if they surely will not be in their finest forms and then just adjusting them as time pass whenever appropriate. Additionally, from the interaction I directly have with my local community, the entirety of us has no single objection with the current facilitators proposed at all as, from my point of view, I think all of them have earned a considerable amount of trust from the people already. It is pretty clear that people want to get our car running now even when they don’t really get to choose the wheels themselves this time (surely, we’ll make this better in the next season and/or during the season). As a result, I don’t think this situation-led opaqueness is the thing most people will object at this stage too. We can put to vote and then see the result.


Agree 100%. I would never conceive of greenlighting a grant or investment without working with the legal guild. One of the primary factors I want to sort out in the first three months is CityDAO’s participation in projects from an equity perspective… how much we should get, whether it’s standard across all projects or determined on a case-by-case basis, etc. We’ll need to have term sheets and ultimately contracts with each of our projects. All that means grants and legal working very closely!


@DenverCitizen9 I believe we have to think of these first three months as a launchpad. We will course correct during this time period and by “season 2” we’ll be doing things right… budgets matching scope, facilitators elected, etc. Ultimately I agree with David that if we belabor the logistics of the launch it will simply never happen.

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To me this CIP should be at least left open for Citizen a little longer before being presented to vote. It has been already extensively debated between Council members (as you can see by the engagement of its members above) and citizen should have the opportunity to do so. It is by far the largest expenditure request ($500k) and deserve more views and comments. Surely, having dedicated people working on cityDAO is a way to impulse new energy in coming months. While I do recognize the need for most of those Guilds, I wish the team selection process was more inclusive and not limited to Council members.


Gugz, Lets have an organizing call soon for this. A

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Hi all. Sorry for lengthy period of inactivity on my part.

I agree with many of @DenverCitizen9 's points, but feel as the rest do - we just need to get this passed and move forward. As @gugz and @Da3vid have mentioned, we should trwat the next three months as a trial period. We’ll be in a never-ending state of process and proposal development if we go for perfection right now. I see this as the second “startup phase” of CityDAO and startups figure things out as they go.

In my opinion, the most important item at hand would be if the Operations Guild can select a project management tool that give the entire DAO an overview of each guild’s projects. Could be done in Notion, but a shared Google Sheet might be even better.

As a potential member of the Mission Guild, I feel that I can’t do justice to my role until there is a consolidated view of all near-term tasks and projects and it would be great if Operations can get that going.