CIP-47: Drop Mechanics for Parcel 0


  1. Every wallet is eligible for 1 Parcel 0 NFT. This is approximately 6k.

Exploitable: Split up your Citizen NFTs into many fractions each sent to different Ethereum accounts. Could be done with a bot.

  1. Every citizenship is eligible for a Parcel 0 NFT. This is 10k

Exploitable: Wealthy people get more Parcel 0 NFTs because they bought more Citizen NFTs.

  1. Citizenships will be quadratically distributed, where the number of plots = the square root of the number of citizenships a wallet holds

Exploitable: Send your Citizen NFTs to different Ethereum accounts so you still get 1 Parcel 0 NFT per Citizen NFT. Could be done with a bot.

SOLUTION: 1 Human holding (at least) 1 Citizen NFT gets 1/10,000th ownership of Parcel 0 (no need for a separate Parcel 0 NFT). See: 1 Human = 1 Citizen = 1 Vote

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