CIP-53: Parcel 0 Logistics Amendments

  • I propose that we amend CIP-47 to say that every citizen who has voted in at least one Snapshot proposal, including this one, may claim a Parcel 0 NFT. If a wallet holds more than one Citizen NFT, they still only can claim one
  • Only holders of Parcel 0 NFTs are granted right to manage and visit the land.

I propose that we amend CIP-47 to say that every citizen who has voted in at least one Snapshot proposal, including this one, may claim a Parcel 0 NFT

I disagree because you’re essentially saying that not all Citizens are equal. Just because a Citizen didn’t vote in a previous election doesn’t mean they forfeit the right to use public roadways or education systems, for example.

I like this idea. It rewards more active participation in the DAO. Voting once (including on this CIP!) is also an extremely low bar. It will capture folks who participated early on but then faded out, as well as newcomers who didn’t even know CityDAO existed until recently.

Other alternatives would be awarding a Parcel 0 NFT to people who have made a certain number of Discord posts, or who have posted to the forum. Both would be harder logistically I think to verify.

I would edit this to say that only holders of Parcel 0 NFTs are granted right to manage the land.

I think there’s a future where CityDAO has 50+ parcels, some of which you can actually spend the night at (campsite/building/village etc). I think your CityDAO NFT should give you the right to visit any City DAO parcel, but you wouldn’t get to vote on parcel management stuff unless you had that Parcel’s NFT.

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