CIP-69 Guilds restructuring

Merged version of CIP 69 + 65 linked, proposing we replace content of CIP-69 above with this.

It includes:

  1. CIP 65 + 69
  2. Changes proposed in forum threads and in the google docs themselves
  3. Updated Planning Guild per Scott’s post here.
  4. Updated legal guild per Josh’s post here.
  5. Columns for each guild to put in metrics and total budget.

Things still missing:

  1. Metrics & budget for most guilds.
  2. Josh is currently committed at 50 hours a week.

I tracked changes so you can see where changes were made an anyone can comment.

Key open questions:

  1. This is a budget allocation of $172,500k + 225 NFTs for Q3 (~10% of the treasury for one quarter), is that how we want to spend treasury?
  2. We could set a goal for this quarter, to work towards revenue generating projects to keep the treasury sustainable. Is that something that should be added to the vision?

I will also re-emphasize that I think this should go to CIP as an approval vote, where each guild is put to an approve / deny vote, rather than a package of all together. If a guild doesn’t pass, they are free to re-submit.