# Discuss: How should CityDAO capture value from proposals?

I’ve been following along the discussion and haven’t had time to address specific points on the above yet but have few general thoughts to share:

  1. There’s a difference between seeking profit and seeking the longevity of CityDao’s ability to continue to fund nodes & tech for a network city.

  2. The benefits suggested above are weak given goal #1. Access and discounts won’t create a machine to fund projects.

  3. I believe @daovolution is indicating that we can navigate legislation with goal #1 in mind without neutering CityDAO and it’s project by making them all non-profit entities. It’s worth trying rather than giving up and hiding behind a non profit status.

  4. A strong tie back would be a % of revenue paid to CityDAO and special benefits for CityDAO Citizens codified in the operating agreements of each funded project.

The vision of CityDAO that is exciting to me is one where CityDAO acts as the link between dozens of autonomous physical spaces and provides them a way to coordinate funding for the primitives needed to run these spaces and the people who will frequent them.