CIP 208 – Sponsorship for Legal Qualification of DAOs Book

CIP Author

I’m an academician at a university in Türkiye who met CityDAO about a year ago. I met CityDAO because of my master’s thesis on DAOs. In my thesis, I analyzed the legal qualifications of DAOs. I first received Citizen NFT in CityDAO, where I participated as an observer to see how DAOs work technically and to be involved in this process, and then I started to actively participate in the work in the Turkish community. With this CIP, I would like to spread the name of CityDAO with my thesis on DAOs in Turkish. In fact, this proposal first came to me from @simpelpixellife, another CityDAO citizen.

Short Summary of CIP

This CIP has been prepared to encourage CityDAO to sponsor my master thesis titled “The Legal Nature of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on Blockchain Technology”. If this sponsorship offer is accepted, it is thought that CityDAO will spread the name of CityDAO among both Turkish academics and the Turkish blockchain ecosystem as a result of the gift of the book to leading academics and Web3 developers in the field, and thus the participation of people with high intellectual knowledge in our community will be ensured. The requested fee for this purpose is 3.500$ in total.

How CityDAO will benefit?

In the first phase with this CIP, when my thesis is published as a book, we want to show in Türkiye that CityDAO contributed to this book. CityDAO has found its place in many places in the book. When examples were given in the explanation of the subject, these examples were given through CityDAO.

In addition, CityDAO’s logo and the phrase “with CityDAO contributions” will be printed on the back cover of the book. If the text is prepared, we will add this short text written by CityDAO to the back cover of the book or as a preface.

After the book is printed, it will be sent to the competent people in the blockchain and crypto ecosystem in Türkiye. In this way, CityDAO will be followed with more interest by the Turkish ecosystem and scientists, and the intellectual accumulation of our community will also develop.

If CIP is accepted, the following people and communities can be given as examples of the people in the ecosystem to whom the book will be gifted:

-İsmail Hakkı Polat (

-İTU Blockchain (

-ODTU Blockchain (

-Devrim Danyal (

-Hale Cide Demir (

As a result, if this CIP is accepted and fulfilled, a CIP will be prepared again for the second phase. In the second phase, the book published in Turkish will be translated into English and published by a major publishing house in Europe or the USA under the sponsorship of CityDAO.

Purpose of the CIP

With this CIP, it is aimed that this book will contribute to build the Web3 city of the future within the scope of the vision of education guild and CityDAO universities, which are the activities of CityDAO. If this CIP is realized, a comprehensive scientific work on DAOs will be the first and only one in Türkiye. This is because there is no specific work on DAOs in Turkish law. This book is written in a simple manner to provide basic information on DAOs to people who are not competent in the field of law. Moreover, the book is quite comprehensive in terms of its volume.

One of the main objectives of CIP is to popularize the name CityDAO in Türkiye if the name CityDAO is mentioned together with such a work.

CIP’s expenses

For the first stage I have described above, no money will be paid for publishing the book. In Türkiye, publishing houses do not charge for the first printing of the book, they print the book for free in exchange for publishing rights.

In the first phase, the author will only need a budget of 2,500 dollars for sponsorship and 1,000 dollars for the purchase and delivery of the book from the publisher to important people in the ecosystem.


If the CIP is accepted, the sponsored book will be printed within 1 month at the latest from the date of acceptance.

After the printing, gift books will be purchased from the publishing house and delivery will be made to the people to whom they will be sent.

All expenses will be documented.

Risk factor

The potential risks are actually quite small. Because the book will be published with or without CityDAO sponsorship. In addition, the publisher will not be given the right to publish the book in English. This right will remain with the author. Therefore, the publishing house will not be able to create problems for the printing in the second phase.

Additional information and Links

The thesis version of the book is included in the thesis database of the Council of Higher Education, which is the guiding institution of the universities of the Republic of Türkiye.

Click on the link for the thesis. Then enter " Blokzincir teknolojisi ile gerçekleştirilen merkeziyetsiz otonom organizasyonların (Dao’ların) hukuki niteliği " in the “enter search term” section. Click on the pdf image of the result.

This is my Linkedln profile:


This is a good marketing opportunity with a very small amount of money for Citydao.
I am in favor of this proposal if there is no legal obstacle as always :slight_smile:


Support the idea cause for multiple reasons. We may use it for marketing purposes first in TR, hopefully than other countries in ENG


I read the book, well prepared. Some parts of it is easy to follow even for those who are not interested in the subject. Moreover this book will lead having the chance of natural marketing in academies. Overall, supporting this project might bring more intellectuals in CityDAO rather than airdrop farmers.


This CIP was already proposed to the council and was rejected. $3500 for an academic essay in Turkish that is not about CityDAO? What do you need thousands of dollars for? This is a CIP to pay you $3500 for writing your school paper, which you already wrote, so you don’t need the money, and which isn’t about CityDAO. I have a masters degree and am working on a PhD. I know from experience that a thesis is not necessarily a book. Ultimately, you must explain why you need a $2500 “sponsorship” with no cost breakdown of what you need the money for, or how printing an unnamed number of books costs $1000 in Turkey.

I’ll say here what I said in the council - I support CityDAO printing some copies of this and sending it to people if we can put our logo on the back. I support us sending tweets about this book. But there’s no chapter on CityDAO, no real discussion of CityDAO in the paper, and reading this won’t teach people about CityDAO. So what’s all the money for?

Do you already have a western publisher? If not, you cannot guarantee this will be published. I think if this passes, no money should be paid until you find a western publisher. Also, western publishers will translate it for free and pay you if it’s publishable.

CityDAO can send copies of the book to all those people for free. Or we can just pay for the books to be printed. That might cost a few hundred dollars at most in Turkey. There’s really no reason that you need $3500 for this proposal. You say it’s for “sponsorship” but that just means a gift to you. I’m writing my PhD on DAOs. Can I have a $2500 gift, too?

Okay, I am going to answer this questions:

This is a sponsorship agreement.
In sponsorship agreements, both parties have mutual obligations. My action here is to print the CityDAO logo on the back of my book and to include the text written by CityDao in the foreword or back of the book.
CityDAO will pay a fee in return. It’s very simple. But you say, “Let CityDAO buy some printed books and send them to people.” In return, I will add the CityDao logo and text to the back of the book. Sorry, my book is valuable and your offer is not fair.

I explained in detail in the CIP how CityDAO will benefit from this sponsorship agreement.You can read it. Also, in a sponsorship agreement for a book, the book does not need to be written about the sponsoring party. Sponsoring an academic work is valuable in itself.

Also, if you read it carefully, you can see that this idea did not come from me. So it’s not right for you to respond as if I need this money. But if there is going to be such a sponsorship agreement, the amount I demand in return is clear. You can’t say that this price is gift to me.

Finally, maybe you didn’t publish your thesis. But I want to publish my thesis. This is my choice. And I think this is valuable thing.

If you still can’t understand anything, you can ask.


So you want $3500 to put our logo on the back of a thesis you wrote for school that has not been edited or accepted by a publisher? That’s a huge sum of money to put our logo on a “book” that isn’t even about CityDAO. Why should CityDAO give you $3500 to put a logo on the back? As you’ve stated, you don’t need the money.

There’s nothing in your proposal about text written by City. Are you changing your proposal to include a chapter that you will research and write about CityDAO?

I understand you want to publish your thesis, but if it hasn’t been edited or accepted by a publisher, then it’s just self-published, which has no ISBN and doesn’t carry much weight. As a note, many people in the US publish a PhD dissertation but almost no one publishes a masters thesis. Those are used to create academic articles. Can you please link any published academic articles you have so CityDAO can see your publishing track record?


  1. My thesis has been accepted by scholars at the university. So it can be published at the moment.
    And let me ask you something for your understand. If someone want to publish your thesis with sponsorship, will you say that “okay I don’t want to anything, just buy my book and send to some people. And I will add your mark and text on back of my book.” Maybe David you can say like that, but again I don’t do that because this is not fair for normal people and me.

  2. :slight_smile: No, I didn’t change my proposal. If you read my proposal properly, you would see my sentences in CIP.

  3. Yes I can. Look here:
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Supporting this CIP will not only enhance the visibility of CityDAO within academic circles but also contribute significantly to the broader understanding and recognition of CityDAOs through rigorous scholarly research.