CIP-41 CIP for a Real Estate Guild from @MaxRealEstate & @DAOvolution - Glass Properties

Again, @Da3vid I state that the goal is to build public goods.

As far as a forum for education, like I’ve said, I’ve made what feels like every mistake in the book and paid “tuition” for that. I am here to teach so that you all don’t have to make the same mistake. I have continually taught about real estate matters during discussions of such matters.

CityDAO should not pay bounties for anyone to learn unless they accomplish something (“Contribute”). Real estate has a healthy culture of “eat what you kill”. If you want to see some formal education program, please propose it. I think folks can learn by doing and we should focus on doing one thing at a time as well as possible, learning as we go, not running in multiple directions at once, slap dash, paying “tuition”

Does this guild proposal lack judiciousness (good judgement or sense)? Time is money. I’ve taken time to write numerous CIPs, including this one, and to redline the Operating Agreement and attend calls to voice my concerns, to be met with an echo-chamber culture from individuals with very little operating experience or domain expertise. Investing time is only a good investment if it has a payoff. The payoff I am looking for is (quoting from my post @MaxRealEstate - my professional experience, and my vision for CityDAO):

"I am a proud American, and I am for “love it and revolutionize it.”

I dream of a future for Philly where the government operates with competency. I dream of the same for America, a rebirth of effective, trustworthy institutions. And I believe that open source token technology will enable that.

Today, municipal systems are closed source, opaque, corrupt, slow, and costly for users (and taxpayers). Even the public records data that is legally in the public domain is hard to access.

I think CityDAO has an incredible opportunity to produce the open source primitives needed for a city or county to operate on Web3. I am most familiar with the real property systems and want to work on those."