Previous proposal

This is a CIP for CityDAO citizens, not Parcel Zero NFT holders. This topic can be deleted since the discussion was moved to appropriate discussion forum:

I would support this without the ~$30k discretionary fund.

As a Parcel 0 NFT holder, I believe that if want to do something with the Parcel, we should collectively raise the funds or contribute our own money – i.e. put our money where our mouth is. Otherwise, if we the owners are not willing to put forth the money, why should the larger DAO do so (and subsidize us?).

TLDR: will support covering past costs but not future dick-around money.

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I believe there needs to be something in order to maintain separation between entities. My understanding is that we can loose the protection that the entity provides if we don’t adequately fund it, but I don’t know what that amount would be.

I’ve asked Legal to see if they can help us determine what amount would be reasonable:

I don’t know how this works in WY, and obviously not a lawyer, but here’s a quick article on the issue of undercapitalization:

FYI - @will realized this location is misleading - sorry to ask you to re-post but will need to move it to CIP category

The location made sense to me.

I can’t delete this topic, but direct all related comments/questions to CIP-112

Moved because CIP-112 is a vote for CityDAO Citizens, and this forum was created for Parcel Zero NFT holders.

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